Renata Kaminker - Fine Art Solutions surveyed the Musée Biochet-Bréchot’s collection

Renata Kaminker - Fine Art Solutions surveyed the Musée Biochet-Bréchot’s collection

Renata Kaminker - Fine Art Solutions was recently entrusted with performing a collections survey for the Musée Biochet-Bréchot in Caudebec-en-Caux (Normandy, France). The museum, which is housed in an 12th century Templar building, is scheduled to open in early 2021.

The Musée Biochet-Bréchot holds a wide range of objects, extending from Merovingian swords to 19th century paintings. The collection presents the history of the town and the region.

The conservation survey included:

  • A study of the condition of each object in the collection

  • An overview of the preventive conservation measures in place in the exhibit space and the storage area

  • A review of the state of their inventory

The on-site survey will be completed by a full report presenting the findings, suggestions on how to best approach the work to be done based on legal requirements as well as priorities related to the needs of the objects themselves, and advice on the preventive conservation measures that the museum could take to better preserve their collections.

As a third-party independent report, the document will then be used by the Musée Briochet-Brechot to schedule the upcoming work in a more efficient manner, organize their upcoming budget and staff requirements, and support financial requests.

Renata Kaminker - Fine Art Solutions is delighted to be part of this exciting project and I look forward to the opening of the museum next year.

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Renata Kaminker - Fine Art Solutions was once more invited by Sotheby's Institute of Art to lecture at one of its London courses