Your one-stop solution for you and your collections



Basic information on information protection
Renata Kaminker (R.K. Fine Art Solutions) 43 rue Vasco de Gama 75015 Paris France
Information category
Contact and identification data and other information that you provide us with.
Solely to contact those people who have left their details for us to do so.
Consent of the interested party.
No data transfer is made to third parties, nor is it transferred internationally.
You can exercise your rights of access, rectification, deletion, portability and limitation of treatment before the controller. Likewise, you may revoke your consent at any time by means of a communication addressed to R.K. Fine Art Solutions with address at Renata Kaminker (R.K. Fine Art Solutions), 43 rue Vasco de Gama, 75015 Paris, France or by email to the following address:
We only treat the personal information that you provide us with.
Additional Information
You can find more information below:


This privacy policy describes how R.K. Fine Art Solutions, with address at Renata Kaminker (R.K. Fine Art Solutions), 43 rue Vasco de Gama, 75015 Paris, France will treat the personal information that you send us through the contact form.
What personal information do we deal with
We process the personal identification and professional information that you provide us through the Website:
The information indicated as mandatory by using a (*) in some fields is essential to be able to contact you and provide you with the information you request. If not provided, it will not be possible for us to respond to your inquiry.
We process the following categories of personal information given by you through the contact form:
Personal details, such as name, surnames, telephone number, and e-mail address.
How and with what basis do we process your personal information?
Your personal information will be processed with the sole purpose of contacting you to respond to your inquiry.


You have the right to be informed by R.K. Fine Art Solutions about whether or not your personal information is being processed and, where appropriate, request access to your personal data and certain information about its treatment (purposes, information categories processed and recipients, among other aspects of access). You also have the right to request the rectification of inaccurate data (right of rectification), as well as its suppression when, among other reasons, these are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected (right of deletion). In certain circumstances (for example, if the interested party challenges the accuracy of your information, while verifying its accuracy), you may request that the processing of your personal information be limited, being this data treated solely for the exercise or the defense of claims (right to restriction of processing). Finally, you have the possibility to exercise your right to the portability of the data. That means you may receive your personal information in a structured format, of common use and mechanical reading, so as to transmit them to another data controller without such actions being prevented by the person responsible for the data transfer, in the cases legally foreseen for these purposes (right to data portability).

You may exercise your rights or revoke your consents provided in this Policy at any time by contacting R.K. Fine Art Solutions, with address at Renata Kaminker (R.K. Fine Art Solutions), 43 rue Vasco de Gama, 75015 Paris, France or by sending an email to the following address:
You will also have the right to file a complaint in your country’s Data Protection Agency, especially when you consider that your rights have been infringed.


We will not transfer your personal information to any third party, nor will we transfer them internationally.


We will keep your personal information as long as you do not revoke your consent and, if necessary, for the prescriptive time to comply with any legal obligation. After this period, your information will be deleted.